We cannot believe we are finally launched and beginning to release our promised content already! The stories we are collecting are powerful, and the quizzes are packed with amazing facts for youth and young adults to memorize!
This week, we are excited to release EYC’s first “Listen & Learn” video, “Jacquie’s Story: Post-Abortion Syndrome.” Learn what Jacquie experienced after having multiple abortions and then working in an abortion clinic. Jacquie shares a powerful message about abortion from Kenya.
We are also excited to inform you that with each “Listen & Learn” video, you also will receive a link to an accompanying worksheet that can be used for your discussions with youth and young adults. These worksheets will have a series of questions to ask regarding the material to stimulate conversation and will also provide ideas for role plays that youth can act out and use to practice standing for their values.
Watch Jacquie’s story here.
You can access the Worksheet: “Jacquie’s Story: Post-Abortion Syndrome” here.
If you are a mentor (whether an individual adult or mentoring organization), we invite you to organize young people on a regular basis to facilitate guided discussions using EYC worksheets.
Remember, we will release one tool each week—either a quiz, a video, or another tool for teaching and learning.
We encourage you to gather regularly in groups to have discussions, to role play, and to brainstorm ways to internalize and then spread our EYC life and family values to others.
Each video with its accompanying worksheets that we send to you will also be archived in the EYC toolkit for easy access at EmpoweredYouthCoalition.org
Finally, we welcome new content for videos and worksheets that we can consider using for our Listen & Learn campaign. Submissions may be highlighted on our website. More information about this can be found at EmpoweredYouthCoalition.org.
We are so excited for you to start teaching, learning, equipping, discussing, and empowering others!
More exciting things to come!