Try Out Our First EYC Quiz on Abortion!

We hope you enjoyed our first video release, “Jacquie’s Story: Post Abortive Syndrome” on EYC Topic #1: Life Advocacy. If you have not yet seen it, we invite you to go to our website to watch it now. You will find it under our “Listen & Learn” tab. This week we are very excited to release our first official Fact Over Fiction Quiz on the topic of abortion.


You can take the quiz at this link here, and then send the link on to others and encourage them to take the quiz too.


The quiz can also be paired with Jacquie’s video and worksheet as part of a youth training or youth group session. We encourage gathering with other youth or young adults to engage with and discuss these materials.


If you have used our discussion worksheet that accompanied Jacquie’s story with a youth or young adult group, we would love to hear about your experiences.


You can email us at


Please pass this learning quiz on to others and encourage them to test their knowledge and to join the EYC too.


We thank each and every one of you for your support and for being here. There is so much more to come, and we are just getting started!